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Is a love for Third Wave Coffee genetic?

Best Coffee Boston Thinking Cup

Being so obsessed with Boston coffee may have left you wondering why you seem to be the only one that feels that way. Well, genetics could just be the perfect explanation.

It may sound ironic to say that genetics play a role in an individual's craving for coffee, especially, when the genes in question may have nothing to do with taste buds. But a new study led by researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard School of Public Health has discovered that genetics has a hand in an individual’s “desire” for coffee.

It’s been proven by scientists that there are 6 gene variations specifically connected to caffeine and coffee utilization. This is the result of an examination of 120,000 individuals who regularly consume coffee from dozens of studies carried out. Published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry, these findings could potentially explain why individual coffee drinkers respond differently to coffee.

Additionally, these findings may shed light on the expanding list of health benefits and several detrimental side effects often associated with drinking coffee.

While four of the six genes were found near genes related to blood pressure regulation, fat metabolism, addiction and so on, the remaining two gene variations were seen near Genes SLC6A4 and BDNF, which are believed to play a part in the beneficial effects of caffeine. As an effect, coffee consumers had an increase chance of having high cholesterol and blood sugar levels while simultaneously being less likely to have high blood sugar in comparison to those that did not consume coffee.

According to Marilyn Cornelis, who is study leader and research associate in the Department of Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health, “The identified genes were predominantly related to caffeine and its metabolism or effects elicited by caffeine, this implies that individuals who can quickly metabolize are consuming more. However, we didn’t find gene variants related to taste.”

So the next time you pop into Thinking Cup for a delicious cup of Third Wave Coffee remember, it may be your genes rather than your taste buds at work for your desire for some of the best coffee in Boston!

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